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First and foremost, coaching is about receiving support to accurately identify your personal and/or professional objectives, moving quickly on to achieve these objectives by help of a working partnership that encourages new, deep and honest reflective processes.













By determining the path you want to follow according to your aspirations, and by optimizing your potential, you will fully blossom into the life you have chosen to live.



Coaching is here to help you become, or re-become the person you truly are.

© 2014 created by Cindy

Life & Executive Coach


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"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again
but expecting different results."

A. Einstein

The work of personal introspection will help you focus on the resources you already have so that you might better understand an issue, respond to it, and overcome it, in order to achieve your ultimate goal.



Deciding to see a coach is the equivalent of stating loud and clear:
«I choose to move forward and am ready to make the changes that will enable me to live harmoniously and achieve success, as I define it!»


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